Check out these upcoming events at Barbara's Bookstore!
Book Signings
December 15 at 1pm - Laylah Richmond, "The Whole World Opened Up"
December 20 at 7pm - Chadi Nabhan, "The Cancer Journey"
December 21 at 1pm - Kristi Valiant, "No Bunny Like You"
December 21 at 2pm - R.G. Taylor, "Spike and the Holiday Parade"
January 18 at 2pm - Jim Summaria & Mark Plotnick, "'70s Chicagoland Rock Concerts"
February 8 at 2pm - D.L. Taylor, "The Beasts We Bury"
Feburary 14 - Tara Knudson, "Valentine's Day Treats"
February 22 - Cathy Adams with Jogn Duffy, "Restoring Our Girls: How Real Conversations Shape Our Daughters' Lives, Help Them with Teen Challenges, and Remind Them That They Matter"
Find out more about upcoming events at Barbara's Bookstore HERE.
Check back soon for more book signings!
Storytime with Nicole Miller
Check back soon for upcoming dates!
Barbara's Book Club
Check back soon for upcoming dates!
Open Mic for Poetry and Storytelling
December 13 from 6pm - 8pm
Bring up to 5 poems or up to 5 minutes of a story to share. No novel excerpts at this Open Mic. Come early to sign up! There will be a musical interlude featuring singer/songwriter Bill Johnson and Tom Moran on Harmonica.